VDL and DSM form joint venture to manufacture and commercialize medical facemasks and PPE filter materials
VDL Groep and Royal DSM today announce the start of a 50/50 joint venture (JV) that will establish production of medical facemasks and the first perma...
4 September 2020

Annual financial report VDL Groep
For VDL Groep, 2019 was a challenging year in which we saw our turnover and profit fall for the first time since the crisis year 2009. Nevertheless, i...
4 June 2020

Medibus from VDL Bus & Coach serves as mobile laboratory in fight against COVID-19
The Deutsche Bahn (DB) Medibuses, built by VDL Bus & Coach, are currently being used in a large-scale study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) into th...
29 May 2020

Progress in charging infrastructure opens up new avenues for DAF CF Electric VDL E-Power
Improvements in the charging infrastructure have allowed the DAF CF Electric VDL E-Power, which DAF Trucks and VDL Groep developed together, to make h...
6 January 2020